Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

Car Raid

Cecily Real’s Ford Taurus might appear small, but inside contains a total of twenty three textbooks for her nursing school in college.

“We were lugging all my college stuff home, and I didn't want to put them in a box, because I’d break the box…” Real laughed. “It’d get so heavy that we wouldn't be able to carry it, so my family and I had a brilliant idea to just shove them in my car and then get them out later. It took like four trips.”

Cecily Real just finished her third year of college at Angelo State in San Angelo, Texas. Although majoring in nursing excites her, the amount of money textbooks cost lays a huge burden on this college student.

“Textbooks costs upwards of four hundred dollars per semester,” Real said. “Good thing I have a scholarship that I use to pay for that. It literally costs a whole month’s rent, so I don’t like that. Not to mention it breaks my back when I carry all of them to class.”

However, the textbooks aren’t necessarily used solely for studying purposes.

“I use the books in other ways, such as holding down glue,” Real said. “I know my friends made a TV stand out of their books. They’re a great thing to clutter your desk with, to break your back with, and they make you go crazy. They're the reason the library is my best friend and my second home.”

Despite the strain textbooks place on college students, being able to become a nursing major has helped to ease Real by motivating her to work for what she wants.

“There's this really cool hospital in Austin, the Lakeway Regional Medical Center, that’s just been built, and it'd be wonderful to work there,” Real said. “I have no idea what kind of nurse I’d want to be yet, but this semester in clinicals I'll be doing my emergency room ER care, my ICU, which is the most critical patients, I’ll be doing labor and delivery, and also pediatric care. Hopefully I’ll know what I want to do after that.”

Being one of the few students to get into nursing school, Real tries to determine which qualities helped her make it into this program along with her knowledge of the subject.

“I have a lot of sympathy; that’s why I cry when patients die. But empathy is what nurses have, that should have, and I have that. You share feelings that they have, which makes you care for them better. When I see someone hurt, I want to be the reason they stay alive.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The 5 of Me - Merger

HDR Photos

Normal HDR

Crazy HDR

CE 6.3

1. Whole Foods fired back Brown's accusations with a $100,000 defamation countersuit and claimed they didn't write the slang by providing a surveillance video footage.
2. The baby bison died because tourists put him in their car in hopes of helping him, but because he needed to be euthanized, he passed away and their actions reflected extreme "stupidity".
3. Geofilters are designs or icons that can be added to a snapchat photo depending on the location that the picture was taken.
4. It's significant because Berkshire has "always avoided technology companies" in the past because it was too hard to pick which ones would be long term.
5. The top 5 grossing movies this week are "Captain America: Civil War", "Money Monster", "The Darkness", "The Jungle Book", and "Mother's Day".

Short Answer:

Although I'd love to go to both, I'd rather go to Harry Potter World because I grew up reading the books, and now that I'm rereading them, it rekindles these emotional attachments I have to the books. There's so much competition between the two because there are new upgrades that attract more people, and I feel that because both are so popular, the competition stays so high. It's hard to choose one disney character that I like the most, but I think I'd have to say Rapunzel & Flynn (the movie as a whole is my favorite). Tangled is by far my favorite movie, and Rapunzel has this energetic drive that keeps me engaged in the movie. I love the relationship between Flynn and Rapunzel because it's such an innocent love and I have to admit, they look really cute together. Rapunzel's singing voice is also so powerful, yet soothing. The songs are absolutely incredible, and not to mention her hair is amazing. I definitely belong in the Hufflepuff house, one reason being that I took the test on Pottermore and got placed there. Haha, but more in depth, I share this friendly personality that the characters in Hufflepuff all possess, and I also come off as a shy, more introverted person in certain situations. I am extremely loyal, which are all traits I would qualify for in this house.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning

1. I'm going to shoot my movie this friday or saturday.
2. I will shoot in my backyard.
3. I will be talking about this book I've been painting in, and incorporate a story/poem about creativity and inspiration.
4. I will use a DSLR family camera and our tripod. I will also need my painting book, as well as paint and other objects I can find around my house.
5. So far, I'm planning on making a video in the beginning and end, with the title overlaying part of the video. I will incorporate a stop motion effect in the photos, so there will be a bunch of photos in the middle part. I will put my voice overs while the pictures are cycling through, and have quiet music playing in the background.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR Photography Intro

1. The manipulations you need to make to create an HDR image is a variation of shutter speed and aperture.
2. The equipment you need is a camera (preferably with an AEB function), tripod, and an HDR photo-blending program.
3. Someone might take an HDR image to capture both ends of the light spectrum in order to show a true visual representation of a scene.
4. With HDR images, you will be able to see more detail and a wider range of light intake, meaning that things that used to be too light or too dark will all be visible in that single photo.

CE 6.2

1. 56% of voters rejected proposition 1.
2. The provision says that a licensed holder carrying a semi-automatic handgun on campus cannot have a chambered round of ammunition, in order to minimize possible accidents.
3. Experts are saying that El Chapo's prison is a bad place to hold him because since the conditions are bad, there is more of a chance for him to escape.
4. A petcube is a high-tech pet gadget that allows the owner to watch and communicate with their pet in real time while they are not together.
5. Nyquist won the Kentucky Derby yesterday.

Short Answer:

I have not used Uber or Lyft to get places, but my family members and friends have, and they tell me all the great things about the services. I think this is a super convenient and reliable source of transportation, and one of my friends told me about her experiences. She was unable to get a ride home, so she called in an Uber, and got home safely. She said the driver was really nice, and she didn't feel in danger or awkward during the ride. I feel like ride sharing is extremely helpful and should be used more in the future. It reduces traffic, and can hopefully prevent accidents or other backups. For example, if a person got drunk and didn't feel safe driving home, calling an Uber or Lyft would be the safe route out of the situation. I feel that ride sharing is a lot safer than a regular taxi service because the rider can examine and check out the driver before getting in the car, which can reassure the rider that they are in safe hands. It also puts aside the problem of getting in a taxi, getting to your destination, and forgetting money. With these ride sharing services, that is taken care of before getting in the car. I definitely think that the two services/companies should have the same safety precautions. Any rider should feel safe and at ease when getting in a car with a driver/stranger, and although being involved with the city may irk Uber or Lyft, I think if it ensures extra safety for the rider, that it may be necessary.