Friday, November 13, 2015

Feature Writing Preview

1. The difference between a hard news lede and the one I read is that the one I just read had two words, that seemed to grab my attention. It focused more on captivating the reader (myself) than getting all of the information in one paragraph.

2. I learned the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How from the second paragraph.

3. Yes, there are quotes in the story

4. No, the quotes aren't arranged in the same organizational structure as before, the "quote-transtition" structure. This is more loosely organized.

5. Quoted:
- Kevin McLoughlin, director of post-production films
- Doral Chenoweth III, Dispatch videographer
- Ken Andrews, volunteer & vetran
- Tony Florentino, WNCI program director
- Shane Cormier, Los Angeles agency owner
- Patrick Harris, spokesman
- Ted Williams, the man with the voice

6. In my opinion, I think that the most powerful quote is "My boss said to me: 'If you don't get him hired, you're fired'" - Kevin McLoughlin. I think this because it really emphasizes how powerful Williams' voice is, how the boss is getting involved just for a homeless guy with a voice.

7. There are 33 paragraphs.

8. There are 762 words.

9. The lede and the final paragraph of the story both end with very minimal words that leave you wondering what is next to come.

10. Like my response in question 9, I think that the author left the smallest amount of information to leave you curious about what the story is about or thinking about the story after you finish reading it.

11. Yes, the story was interesting to read because its new information to me that is about someone small that makes it big. It just makes me really happy that these people are noticed, but the video really topped it all off.

12. Yes! I wanted to hear his voice so bad from all of the talk about how amazing and big 'the voice' was.

13. Watching the video after reading the story added the voice aspect to the story and had more of an impact on my interest and understanding of this 'voice'. Because the story was about how amazing this voice was, it really made sense to include an audio of it.

14. Yes, I feel that the story would have lost some of its impact without the video, but not all. The author still did a good job of explaining the voice so thoroughly that I could just hear the voice in my head, but the video made the story so much better.

15. Yes, the author did try to help me imagine the voice and describe it by italicizing what Williams says in the interview. I knew that these words were special, so even though the author didn't tell me those were the words, I knew.

16. Like my answer in question 15, the author showed/described the voice and what Williams said by italicizing the words to make them stand out more.

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