Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

Warning: This is a very bad story that had a lot of potential but something happened and now it kind of stinks. Sorry about that.

"Well, I dare you to do a backflip into the pool..."
As one of the boys in the massive group challenged him to a dare, Chris couldn't say no. They'd call him a wuss. A coward. He couldn't do that to himself and his reputation to say no.
Chris hesitantly approached the large expanse of the dark blue water, his chilled body rattling with fear. He tried to disguise his angst in a crooked smile, only resulting in laughter from the group. His mind was racing and his heart was pounding.
"It's only one flip," Chris thought to himself. "You can do this and then it will be over... No more teasing if you do this."
Chris started to flip. The world spun in a whirlwind of colors.
"I'm going to make it!!"
Suddenly, Chris stopped moving.
An immense pain shot through his head and the boys erupted in a series of screams. Slowly, water enveloped Chris' limp body as he was losing all consciousness, sinking further down in the dark mass of the pool...
beep.. beep...beep.
Chris' eyes fluttered open in an unfamiliar room with white chairs lining the charcoal walls. He attempted to turn his head, only resulting in bursts of pain. Chris then noticed the tag on his wrist:
Chris Lanzon: 5/08/16: Diagnosis - Concussion/Head Injury
"Wha-What? I got a concussion? When? How? Wait, am I in the hospital??"
Confusion overtook Chris' mind. It was then that he noticed a girl sat slumped in one of the chars across the room from him. Her eyes were lightly closed, a chaos of loose curls framing her face.
"Who-?" Chris started to speak, and her eyes suddenly opened. Registering who just spoke, her eyes grew wide with excitement and she bounded over to his bed.
"Chris! Oh my god, you're okay!"
Chris held a confused expression.
"Wha-? Who are you??"
The girl's excitement quickly faded and her eyes saddened.
"Chris, it's me, Eleanor. I'm your sister..."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Aperture F2.8

Aperture F16+

1. We closely relate aperture on a camera with our eyes (pupil).
2. The smaller the aperture the higher the number, and the higher the aperture the lower the number.
3. The aperture makes the depth field more or less focused with the main subject. The smaller the aperture, the more focused the background is. When the aperture is larger, the background is more blurry and the foreground is sharper.

High Shutter speed

Low Shutter speed

when the sun was still up:

a. low shutter speed
b. low shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. high shutter speed
e. low shutter speed
f. high shutter speed

when the sun is down:

a. low shutter speed
b. low shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. high shutter speed
e. high shutter speed
f. high shutter speed

2. 3 settings: the first is an auto setting, where the shutter speed (& aperture) are adjusted by the camera. The second is a manual setting called "Shutter Priority" mode, where you can choose the shutter speed, but the aperture is still adjusted by the camera. The third is a manual setting called "Manual" mode, where the photographer adjusts both the shutter speed and aperture.


ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. An advantage of using a higher ISO in a nighttime setting is that more light can be taken in without creating a blur. Another advantage is that the photographer is able to capture "ultra-fast shots".

2. When choosing ISO, try to use the lowest ISO possible to get the highest quality. Also, they recommend using a tripod if you want to create the "ghost effect".

3. When shooting with high ISO, they recommend shooting in low light or indoors to capture the image without creating a blur.

Photoshoot Manipulations





Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Photoshoot Pictures

This is Happy and the rule of photography is Rule of Thirds.
This is another Happy and the rule of photography is Rule of Thirds.

This is Square and the rule of photography is Viewpoint.

This is metal and the rule of photography is lines.

This is Bowie and the rule of photography is leading lines and repetition.

Monday, January 25, 2016


This photo shows cropping because the photographer singled out these two subjects and and because they are (for the most part) the only two in the photo, my eyes go directly toward them and their emotions.


This photo shows depth because of the way the subjects in the frame are positioned. Because there are people larger and smaller in the photo, you can see the depth that is created.


This photo shows viewpoint because the picture is taken looking up from the ground, a perspective that isn't eye level. When the photographer took this picture, the viewpoint created an prolonging tower angle that singled it out.

Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

This photo shows symmetry and repetition because the smoke is creating a consistent pattern of lines, as well as the center wall creating a pattern of the rectangles. There is also the vertical pattern and repetition of the darkened lines along along the building.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

first photo -
a. The first two photos is showing a missile launch in Iran. In the manipulated photo that more smoke and missiles are added.

b. This photo is bad because it gives the wrong impression and remembrance of the scene. This photo shows false facts which can cause damage in historical references in the future.

second photo -
a. The second photo shows the new government photo, but in the manipulated photo, the women are taken out of the picture. They are then replaced with other male government leaders.

b. This picture is wrong on many levels. For starters, the women are taken out of this government picture. This is very unethical to remove someone just because of their gender.

third photo -
a. The third photo shows an oil technician who is standing next to an oil pipe. In the manipulated photo, the man has four hands and the pipe is extended.

b. This photo editing is unacceptable because the photographer was careless with their editing, and didn't bother to change the fact that the man has four hands. Not only is this photo unrealistic, but if I were to notice that in the photo, I wouldn't trust anything else that the photo shows in fear of it having been edited too.

fourth photo -
a. The last photo shows China's leader Deng Xiaoping shaking hands with current president Hu Jinato. In the manipulated photo, former president Jiang Zemin was removed from the frame.

b. I'm unsure the reason for removing Jiang Zemin from the photo, maybe because since he's a former president that he's unimportant in their minds. Whatever the reason, the act of removing an entire subject from the frame is very wrong.

2. In my opinion, the most unethical photo of this selection is the debate between Saddam and Bush.
This photo seems realistic and truthful, except for one problem: Bush and Saddam never had a debate. Why would someone make up an event that never happened? If I were a regular citizen reading the paper with no insight towards the two, I most likely would have believed that this debate was real. When I would find out that it never happened, I doubt I would read this magazine/newspaper ever again in fear that what I read wouldn't be true and honest.

In my opinion, the least unethical picture of this selection is the one above, where the photo editor simply added new teeth to the woman's smile. In my opinion, this is such a simple change that doesn't hurt the woman (if anything, it helps her), and it doesn't provide false facts or statements related to the actual situation. 

CE 4.2

1. AISD has a total of 83,591 students.
2. Big Bend is swapping land with an adjacent ranch owner, which adds an extra 500+ acres.
3. Rose quartz and serenity blue.
4. Yes, a couple of my friends and classmates color. I think this new trend is very good, its beneficial and helps relieve stress.
5. I would like to attend The institution theater's 'beyonce's wild west' because it seems like a really fun experience that will put me in a good mood, and also beyonce is involved, which is always a reason to go. :)

Short answer:

According to the article, they claim that the main reason for global warming is emissions of greenhouse gases. Some consequences of global warming is that the vegetation is left vulnerable to wildfires, caused by the extreme heat (before rain comes again). Yes, I do worry about global warming, but not to the extreme. It mostly worries me that there are people of high power that can do something about it, but they aren't doing a thing. To stop global warming, I think that as a society we can firstly raise awareness of the situation so that everyone is informed of the matter. Then, as a society we can work on reducing the air pollution that comes from cars and manufacturing companies. Yes, I think that global warming is a major issue in our world, but it's not the biggest issue currently. Not a lot of people are talking about the issue and/or doing much about it. They should make global warming more of an issue than it is currently, because this is a major issue that will only get worse for future generations if it's not reduced today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mergers (Avoid)

This top photo shows a merger, what we want to avoid, because although the picture cuts at waist level (which is okay), the picture is cutting off the tip of the man's finger, which is where the focus goes to after seeing the people's faces. It just feels like since the subjects are looking at what the man is pointing at, the finger should be present.

This second photo just briefly shows a merger that should be avoided in the future. In this photo, some of the people along the edges are cut off, leaving awkward half-body subjects in the frame. The rest of the photo is cut off at okay spots however.



In this photo, the smoke is clearly framed by both the buildings on the left and right sides and also framed by the people at the bottom. Because the buildings are framing the smoke, that's where your focus goes to.



This photo shows balance because the subject in the frame is holding up a picture that has four equal pictures within it, already a balance of its own. There is also the balance of hands on either side of the picture, and the woman's face is perfectly split evenly which also helps to balance the picture she's holding up.


Leading Lines

In this photo, the black and white lines of the building lead the direction of the man falling in front. They give direction of where the man is going, even though there's no actual movement.

The Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

This photo shows the rule of thirds because the woman in green is in the bottom-right side of the photograph. This is appealing to the eye, as is the smoke in the upper-left side of the picture. Both the  smoke and the girl are in the appropriate grid lines, which make the picture more appealing.


simplicity (1)
This first photo shows simplicity because the open smokey-air brings focus to the remains of the building left in the midst of destruction. Because the air/fog/smoke is so clear, my eyes are quickly drawn to the remaining structure in the frame.
simplicity (2)

The figures in the photo are easily focused on due to the simplicity of the background. The smokey-air left the background very clear and free of distractions that would take away from the figures and focus in the frame.

CE 4.1

1. The 5 key points Obama is going to cover is the breakup note, retrospective, social push, tee up for democrats, and austin represented.

2. Actor Sean Paul played a role in the capture of drug lord "El Chapo" by communicating and sending emails to the fugitive and publishing a 10,000 word story and his communications were tracked.

3. Bowie's four most famous songs are: Space Oddity, Fame, Heroes, and Let's Dance.

4. $1.4 billion.

5. I think that if I was more into Star Wars, yes, that would be really cool. but since I'm not that big into it, no, I wouldn't.

Short Answer:

Yes, I would buy lottery tickets because I think it would be really fun to join in. I know its a really really slim chance I would ever win, but the fun in it is worth it anyway. Besides, a ticket is pretty cheap. Yes, my parents have bought tickets and so has my oldest sister, Michaela, who is now legal to buy them. She was excited to buy this one :). Again, yes, I would buy tickets for this record drawing, because although the near impossible chances of winning, it's still fun to participate and get excited when they announce the numbers. If I were to win the lottery, of over a billion dollars, I would firstly set aside money for college, house funds, and other payments. Then, I would expand our house, as my family has been wanting to do that for a very long time. With that money it would be possible. Another thing I would do with the money is donate large chunks to charities and homeless people, including random acts of kindness. I wouldn't just give homeless people money though. I would buy them food, etc, or buy them a gift card to go eat someplace so that I could guarantee that they would spend it well :). Along with the donating and giving away of some of the money, I would go on world trips to destinations that I've always wanted to go on, including riding a plane (yes, I'm fifteen and still have never ridden on a plane...). If I didn't win the billion + lottery but still three million, I would do a lot of the same things that I would have done with the big prize, but maybe not as extensive of a spend. Three million is still A LOT of money.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #3

News - Opportunities down in Florida: This news story is about the national journalism convention in Florida. It talked about what the Bowie newspaper staff, who attended this event, experienced and learned from this convention.

Quoted: Olivia Glenwinkel
Carissa Duran
Jasmine Correa
Mia Barbosa
Michael Reeves

In my opinion, the strongest quote is from Glenwinkel in the fourth paragraph: "I'm highly interested in all three of these subjects, photography and writing the most, and this convention was an opportunity to immerse myself in what love doing, " Glenwinkel said. "Going would give me an opportunity to learn new things and skills that can help me improve on the newspaper staff as well as in my own personal work. And the convention did just that."

The lead sentence didn't really make me want to keep reading. It just didn't interest me, maybe because I'd already heard about the story, I'm not really sure. The action is a good start though.

End was a quote.

Commentary - Science Fair is getting too competitive for students: This commentary story is discussing the science fair significance and requirements. Farner thinks that it's getting too competitive and should be optional.

Quoted: no quotes

Yes, I would continue reading, but only because I agree with Farner's opinion about the science fair.

End was a statement.

Student Life - Pet rescue strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers: This Student Life story is about two juniors that volunteer at the animal rescue centers and what they do while they're there.

Quoted: Alex Reyes
Fuaad Ajaz

In my opinion, the strongest quote is from Ajaz in the last paragraph: "I know I want to work with animals neglected, malnourished, and unwanted, just thrown on the streets to die, and I like to see their transformation and see them get healthy again so they can go to their 'forever home', wherever it may be."

Yes, the lead made me want to keep reading because the topic interests me as well.

End was a quote.

Entertainment - In Review: Mockingjay Part 2: This Entertainment story is about the new Hunger Games movie that recently came out in theaters.

Quoted: no quotes

Yes, I want to keep reading because the lead sounded really cool how they described it. Too bad they spoiled the movie in the fourth paragraph. That would have stunk if I hadn't watched it yet.

End was a statement.

Athletics - College bound turns into D1 bound: This athletics story is about the 12 seniors that signed to go to their desired school to play professional sports.

Quoted: Kianna Ray
Hailey Walker
Amber Lotz

Strongest quote is from Walker: "When thinking about going to college and having to start over may be scary for most other people but I'm super excited to meet my new teammates and be part of a family."

Yes, I want to keep reading because of the lead sentence; it sounds interesting.

End was a quote.

In-Depth - Senior fights a life-long disease with no sign of a cure: Senior Katy Jacobs was diagnosed with type one diabetes, and she shares her story. This includes a description of the disease and how she deals with it.

Quoted: Katy Jacobs
Bryn Williams
Summer Hawkins
Gary Jacobs

Strongest quote from Williams: "If she an deal with diabetes all day, everyday, and go above and beyond in life, I think anything is possible for someone like me."

The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading.

Conclusion is a quote.

1. My favorite photo in this entire paper would probably be the WWII Combat Surrender picture with Senior Jake Yeager holding up the weapon. I like this mainly because of the clear simplicity of it, and how the weapon is the main focus. I'm not sure exactly, but just the position and focus is really cool.

2. My least favorite picture of this paper would probably be the College bound article picture. This is because the girls are simply posing for the picture and it's not appealing to me at all. Also, even if there isn't anything else to shoot but a posing picture, at least center the people in the picture.

3. If I were a photographer, I would probably have preferred to take pictures for the soccer article. This is because the sport has lots of action, thus leadeng to a more variety of pictures. Also I'd like to shoot for this article because I like soccer.

4. Overall, I'd rate the photography in this newspaper a 6 out of 10. All of the pictures were good enough, but could have been a little better in order to get that perfect shot that clearly expresses the article written. The strong points are probably the athletics section and possibly student life. The weakest points are the entertainment and front pages.

One story idea that I think would be good is the art contest called Vase happening in mid february. Students who submitted art pieces are traveling to go and compete against other students in a sort of convention I guess you could say. Not a lot of stories are about these kinds of electives, and it's showing a different view on student life.
A person that I think would be pretty good to write a story over is Alyssa Poole. She's the kind of person that has hobbies a little less known, including archery. I think she'd be good to show a more of an insight on student life and it's a little more out there.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back Assignment

I really like this picture because of the way the fish frame the diver and just the flow of the picture that is created by the fish movement is really eye-catching. I can totally see why this picture was picked for the National Geographic 2015 Photo Winners.

In this second picture, I really like the detail of the zebra's eye and how the focus is adjusted. The bold black and white stripes really caught my attention. I think this picture was well suited for a photo winner of 2015 because of the amazing quality that was shot from a moving, wild animal, which makes me realize how hard it must have been to get a good shot of this zebra. Amazing.

In this 2015 photo winner, I instantly fell in love with the beauty in this picture. The mountains are surreal and the way that there is a soft glow coming from the village against the cold mountains is remarkable. It almost contrasts the warmth with the cold. Everything about this picture is amazing.


1. In my opinion, the best song of 2015 was Hello by Adele.

In my opinion, this song was the best of 2015, even though it ranked 6th of the year. This song is very powerful, and one of the few songs that didn't get old after a few plays on the radio. That said, this song streamed on just about every radio station multiple times per day. There have been parodies linked with Hello, such as SNL's skit where they incorporated the ever so popular "Sephia" effect, which was very entertaining. Overall, Adele is a very talented singer that wrote about something worth listening to.

2. In my opinion, the best movie of 2015 (that I've seen) was Inside Out.

Inside Out is a very put together, family movie that many ages enjoy. Everyone that I talked to liked the movie, including teenagers, kids, and even adults. The wave of emotions that people got from watching this friendly movie were indescribable. This movie deserves to be ranked as number 2 in the best movies of 2015 because of the well thought out plot. There are cute connections such as how dreams are made to old imaginary friends and where they end up. This movie brought a laughter and smiles, but also a few tears. Inside Out was a very good movie.

3. The biggest news story in 2015 was definitely the Paris attacks.

The attacks in Paris were very extreme and affected not only the people in France but in the United States (& other countries) as well. This event caused social media sites to show their support. There were posts and comments with key words that would offer shelter to those who were affected directly. Like this picture I found, we are not afraid, we are prepared, and we are strong.

4. The most important person of 2015, in my opinion, is Caitlyn Jenner.

In 2015, former Bruce Jenner came out as transgender, becoming Caitlyn Jenner. This was a big deal to many people, one because of the popularity that the Jenners have and two, because of how hidden this identity had been. Because of Caitlyn's transformation, this changed the way people saw the LGBT community and raised equality for them and people struggling with gender identity.

5. One very popular entertainment story of 2015, in my opinion, is Nicki Minaj calling out Miley Cyrus at the MTV Video Music awards.

At the MTV Video Music awards, Minaj called out Cyrus, saying "Miley what's good?". This was a huge deal to the younger generation and especially on social media. To have one celebrity calling out another in a public event was talked about for a very long time. Social media exploded with videos of Cyrus' reaction and how the situation panned out.


1. Over the holiday break, my family spent Christmas together and it was hilarious. We all joked around as we sipped hot cocoa (& coffee of course) as we opened presents under the christmas tree. It was really fun just to sit in our pajamas and laugh at stupid things we did. :)

2. My resolutions for 2016 are for one, is to not be late for basically everything. I tend to be late to just about everything and I really want to change that. Another resolution is to get in the habit of running more to prepare for the next year cross country season.

3. In 2016, I am definitely looking forward to learning how to drive and getting my license later in the year. Also, I'm looking forward to the warm weather again :).