Monday, September 21, 2015

Student of the Month Interview

Source 1: Student of the Month
Source 2: Teachers that decide Student of the Month
Source 3: Former Students of the Month

Questions: (Answers in blue)

Name: Aaron Flores, 10th grade

1. Why were you chosen as Student of the Month?
Because of my positivity and things I've done around the school.
2. Who decides the Student of the Month?
The teachers, who vote on the students.
3. When was the Student of the Month announced?
The first of the month. They announced it on the announcements.
4. How did they tell you that you were Student of the Month?
The pulled me out of class and gave me an award.
5. How many students are chosen for Student of the Month during a school year?
One boy and one girl every month.
6. What made you stand out over the other students?
The positivity I bring into a classroom, and I am in a lot of clubs.
7. What happens when a person is Student of the Month?
They get recognized by the principals and get to eat lunch with them.
8. How did you react when you found out who was Student of the Month?
I was really happy and it really affected me to be more positive.
9. Where are the Students of the Month recorded or displayed?
By the basketball gym.
10. What does it mean to be Student of the Month?
It means a lot. It gives you more recognition by classmates and principals.
11. How long has Student of the Month been going on?
Since my Freshman year.
12. What effect does Student of the Month announcements have on the students?
It got me a lot more friends because people recognized my great work and positivity.
13. What is the purpose of Student of the Month?
To recognize kids who really put effort in school and great work.
14. Where is Student of the Month decided?
In the front office by the teaching staff.
15. What makes for an appropriate Student of the Month?
Positivity, a light to happiness.
16. How does it affect a student if they are chosen as Student of the Month?
It encourages other students to be great.
17. What can a student do to give them a better chance at becoming Student of the Month?
To do all their classwork, be positive, and do anything to help the school community.
18. Is there ever more than one Student of the Month? When?
There's one boy and one girl every month, so more than one gets chosen.
19. How does having a Student of the Month change the school's reputation?
I think it would make the school better because they choose students who excel.
20. Can a person win Student of the Month more than once? When?
Yes, if a person is really excelling over the other students and has a lot of positivity.

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