Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Free Write

Prompt 17 - 

I thought today was going to be like any other. Man, was I wrong.
I trudged home from a long day of work, my shift ending only a few minutes ago. My backpack grew heavy on my shoulders and my eyes stung from staring at a computer screen all day. I couldn't wait until I was able to quit my job and move to a new city, away from the people and the stress. As I neared my ever so welcoming home, my eye was caught on a shadow across the street. The human-like shadow darted to the left, deeper into the alley. I know I should have just gone inside, but my curiosity got the best of me. Making my way across the barren street, I peered into the midst of the alley, looking for any sign of movement. Nothing. Shrugging, I turned as to head back to my house. All of the sudden, a cool breeze came from behind me that sent shivers down my spine. Something was behind me.
Then everything went black.
 -- Beep! Beep! Beep! --
I woke to the familiar sound of my alarm clock. Throwing my arm over to where my clock stood, I went through my usual routine; snoozing until my mother pounded on the door and insisted I get up, or be late for school. However, when I cast my arm toward my nightstand, I found only air. That's weird. With sleep still lingering, I opened my eyes. Instantly, I sat up, my mind suddenly alert. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my furniture, or even my alarm clock. Sh*t, where is that thing? After searching for what seemed like hours trying to find that piercing noise, I spotted it perched on a dresser. Figures. With the new silence that filled the room, my mind tried to process what the hell was going on. I made my way to the door, and opening it, I found myself in a house - my house - but with new furniture. I raced to the front door, eager to find something, anything, familiar. Nothing. As I made my way outside, I darted to my neighbor's house where I had spent countless hours with my best friend. Impatiently ringing the doorbell, the door finally opened and my friend stood, still in her pajamas and eating an apple.
"Oh my god, Frankie, it's you! I thought everything was gone, but you're here and where the hell is my family?" I rambled on, but my best friend stared at my with wide eyes.
"Um, I feel bad for asking, but um, who are you?" Frankie asked.
What? "Frankie, it's me, Riley Jackson... Your best friend? I live right next door.."
"No one with the last name Jackson has ever lived next to me, I'm sorry. Are you new to the neighborhood?"
"What? No, Frankie, I live there... I always have. I live with my parents and two sisters. We've gone to school together for the past nine years?.." Frankie continued to stare, confusion present on her face. 
What the hell happened last night?

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