Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #5

Front Page - PALS mentor elementary students

Students at Bowie High School are part of the PALS organization that assists elementary school students. The PALS work on encouraging, mentoring, and motivating their PALees. This organization has taught PAL members the idea of leadership and being a role model to others.

Who - PAL members
What - help students at local elementary schools
Where - elementary schools
When - this school year
Why - to become close with their "PALees" and help them
How - the PALS listen and work on understanding their PALees current situation as well as motivating and encouraging them

Quoted: Amy Cox
Alejandro Garcia
Macy Hartman

Strongest Quote: (from Hartman) "Being a PAL this year has really caused me to be very grateful for the things and opportunities I have, as well as changed my perspective on life. Talking to my PALees about their situations make the things I stress over seem very insignificant, which has caused me to worry less about the small things."

Yes, the lead sentence makes me want to read more.


Student Life - Freshman Andrea Findley's family travels to Uganda and Rwanda to study war and help the disadvantaged

This past summer, freshman Andrea Findley traveled to Uganda and Rwanda to help people with struggles they were experiencing. The family's eyes were opened by the conditions of these Ugandan and Rwandan people, and got a taste of the conditions of the people. This experience made the family, especially Mike Findley, want to help more disadvantaged people and encourage other Americans to do the same.

Who - Andrea Findley & family
What - went to Uganda and Rwanda
When - This past summer from June-July
Where - Uganda and Rwanda
Why - to study the war and help the disadvantaged
How - they donated money, visited schools, houses, etc.

Quoted - Mike Findley
Andrea Findley

Strongest Quote: (from Mike Findley) "I learn and grow as much or more as they do. It's very difficult to see so much poverty and suffering, but I always come back with hope that things will improve and people's' lives will get better. But we need everyone here in the U.S. to be more thoughtful and active in trying to help others."

Yes, the lead was very interesting and made me want to read more.


News - Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters

Students at Bowie High School were recently given back their future senior letters that their past selves wrote in freshman year. This time capsule of a letter brought back memories, and also helped some students realize how much they've grown and how mature they have gotten. English teacher Shari Blevins thinks this is a valuable lesson to students that need to realize how prepared for the world they are.

Who - Seniors
What - got back future senior letters
When - this school year, distributed during english classes
Where - James Bowie High School
Why - to see how much has changed and grown and to take stress off of the seniors.
How - the english teachers stored the letters in bins in their rooms where they redistributed the letters in the seniors' english classes.

Quoted:Shari Blevins
Kandice Cox
Angelica Saenz

Strongest Quote: (by Cox) "The letter showed me that I can do something to change my life and make it better. When I was in freshman year I would have never thought that my high school years would have gone by so fast, and these four years were just so much fun. I made amazing friends, had influential teachers, and a great group of people to help guide me towards college."

No, the sentence structure was very confusing. The only thing making me want to keep reading was the topic itself.


Sports - Coach Ingram leads team to victory

The Bowie basketball team has been very successful this school year, but it wasn't without the help of coach Stephen Ingram. Ingram has been coaching basketball for 27 years, and also teaches math at Bowie. The team has gained valuable strategies from their coach, and they see a positive future for Ingram with whatever he chooses to do.

Who - Coach Stephen Ingram
What - coaches basketball and has been very successful
when - this year, but has been coaching for the past 27 years
where - JBHS
why - to help the basketball team in their season
how - he coaches the team during fourth and eighth period with valuable strategies

Quoted: Stephen Ingram
Howard Thompson

Strongest Quote: (by Howard) "Ingram has a personality of doing what is needed and necessary and not be a problem."

No, the topic sentence didn't make me want to keep reading.


Entertainment - Band director set to move to a new school at year's end

At the end of this school year, band director Kim Shuttlesworth has decided to move to a new high school. This decision has saddened some students, but overall, Shuttlesworth has received tremendous support from the band members. The members will continue to remember her lessons and methods as the years progress.

who - Kim Shuttlesworth
what - will be moving to a new school
when - the end of the school year
where - JBHS, moving to outskirts of north Austin
why - to start a program at a new high school
how - by quitting and moving to the new school

quoted: Kim Shuttlesworth
Gianna Nuckols
Lauren Anderson
Danny Cruz

Strongest Quote: (by Anderson) "Ms. Shuttlesworth has not only pushed me to improve my music skills everyday, but she has taught me how to work for something bigger than myself. I will always be grateful for the lessons she provided us, and I know her dedication to the band program will continue to resonate within the students in the years to come."

Yes, I wanted to read more after the lead.


Commentary - Social media, back at it again

A social media trend going around has been the ever so famous "Damn Daniel" videos. These videos have created such a buzz, that the two fourteen year olds became famous, going on the ellen show and receiving a lifetime supply of vans. However, the two boys decided to put their fame to use and donate the shoes to a children's hospital in California.

Who - Josh and Daniel
what - made a video about "Damn Daniel" and became famous
when - a few weeks ago
where - on social media/snapchat
why - Josh started the videos as a joke, and became famous
how - the videos became very popular online

No quotes

No, the lead wasn't super interesting.


In-Depth - A shift in political apathy?

This opinions story is about politics and the upcoming election. It's regarding the younger generation's contribution to voting, and how many don't pay much attention to the elections. This year, however, because of the candidates, even the younger generations are paying attention.

who - millennials
what - are taking part in the elections/changing contribution in politics
when - this election
where - in america
why - the candidates and controversy grabs the attention of the millennials
how - social media spread the news of the election

no quotes

Yes, the lead was interesting.

Statement with a reference to a quote.

Photos -

Favorite photo: Baseball plays it safe photo, because it shows a great deal of action and is relevant to the story. In a way, leading lines are present in this photo with the fences and direction of the player.

My least favorite photo is the PALS photo because the angle isn't pleasing to the eye. It has a lot of background noise in the photo that distracts me from the subjects.

If I were a photographer, I would have liked to take photos of either baseball, basketball, or the Findley Rwanda/Uganda trip.

Overall, the photography in this newspaper is very strong. The pictures are clear for most of the photos and they aren't posed, which makes the image flow more and captivate me as a viewer more.

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