Thursday, October 29, 2015

My 1st Commentary Article

Art Supplies - 

In the art department at Bowie High School, supplies are being used daily by students in multiple classes. Because of the continuous use, the art supplies are in bad condition and need of replacement. I feel that new art supplies are to be purchased and made available to the many art students around campus.

After signing up for Art I in hopes of improving my art skills, I was shocked to discover that the brushes and paints, along with other supplies, aren't sufficient. The colors in the watercolor palette were mixed together, making the entire palette unusable and preventing me from completing my project. 

How are students expected to make these outstanding pieces if they don’t even have supplies to make it acceptable?

The teachers tell students, including myself, to sign up for contests. I would be compatible with entering the contests, but an issue is that it takes me too long to complete my submission.

This may be partially from my details and precision, but the majority of my time spent is trying to find a watercolor palette that has all of the colors, or paintbrushes where the brush doesn’t fall off when I try to wash it off. The paper we receive can’t withstand the amount of paint being put on it, and I’ve resorted to bringing my own colored pencils to get my work done.

At the beginning of the year, all art students were required to pay a twenty-dollar art fee. I assumed this money would go towards supplies, but after ten weeks in this class, no noticeable things were updated. The paints are still a mix of colors and the brushes still come apart while using them.

Another issue is the sketchbooks. Art students were told they were to be given a sketchbook for the year that they could complete weekly assignments in. Everyone I talked to assumed we were getting a real sketchbook, not the stapled piece of slick paper we received.

I realize that art supplies are expensive, especially for the amount of students taking this course. This might be a pull factor for less expensive supplies, but the current cheap supplies just aren’t cutting it.

This doesn’t mean that the most expensive paints, colored pencils, or brushes are needed. For example, a Prismacolor 72-set of colored pencils are approximately sixty dollars. A watercolor palette can get up to around four hundred dollars, but most 16-set paints are found for approximately twenty dollars. The art program doesn’t need the best supplies, but a step up from Crayola can only improve our work.

In order to get these new supplies, money has to be gathered to purchase them. This doesn’t have to come from the teachers or staff. Students can donate a small amount of money that goes directly towards supplies, or the art program can host a fundraiser to raise money.  If all classes donate or raise money for supplies, the art program will have sufficient materials in no time.

Sports and other common clubs get new equipment, etc. every year, but the less popular organizations don’t. This needs to be changed. Every class, specifically art, deserves better supplies and materials to make the program successful.

In conclusion, I believe that the art program needs better supplies, as the current materials are falling apart and in need of replacement. For as many students as there are, this seems like a reasonable request.

Word count: 572

CE 2.3

1. The speaker of the house is Rep. Paul Ryan and he's aligned with the Republicans.

2. The law in Texas specifically says that "...failure to identify becomes an offense if the person 'intentionally refuses to give a name, residence address, or date of birth to an officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information."

3. Two teams playing in the World Series are the Mets and the Royals.

4. Two Do's for bringing autumn into your home decor are one, buy high quality decor so it's worth the purchase and two, choose unexpected color combinations that allow the decor to be used for more than one season. Two Don'ts for bringing autumn into your home decor are one, don't buy decor that can only be used for one season or else they aren't used and two, don't overboard with season decor.

5. Out of the five things to do on the long weekend, I would want to go to the Umlauf Sculpture Garden.

Short Answer:

Yes, I've seen the video of the girl being thrown across the room by a deputy after flipped out of her desk. In my opinion, this incident is unbelievable. What this deputy did was unnecessary and he could've resolved the issue some other way. I understand that the girl was being disruptive, but physically flipping her out of her desk and throwing her is not the way to solving the issue. The deputy should be punished. Yes, I do think that police brutality is a problem in our country, because I think that police officers abuse their power and control. They think they can get away with illegal issues because of their position. I think there is racism behind these issues, as sad as that is. All of the incidents I've seen have a dark-skinned person as the victim, even if they weren't doing anything necessarily wrong. In this issue, social media and cell phones plays an important role. This was the reason behind this incident, and if the girl hadn't disrupted the class with her cell phone and herself on the cell phone, this mess could've been prevented. I think that it's important for other people to see what is happening in other parts of the country or the world. It helps bring awareness to different situations, although I do believe that there is an excessive amount of publicity and broadcast that can harm a person as an individual if they were involved.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Personal Essays

1. One idea that the writer gave that I can use to start deciding on a topic is to pick a topic that interests you, that you care strongly enough about to write about.

2. One idea that the writer gave to remember when writing my piece is to use a lot of details and avoid using abstract expressions and phrases.

3. Three suggestions the writer makes to use as I write are firstly, to write from a personal perspective, but keep in mind of the construction. Secondly, avoid philosophical rants about your topic that make no connections to the reader. Lastly, grab the reader's attention with a strong hook.

Story 1 - Focusing On What's Important in the Wake of Tragedy (The Talon)

1. Matt Davenport
2. This story is about an incident that occurred at the school, where a frame of construction fell and killed one worker and injuring three others. Both students, teachers, and others are trying to cope with this situation and figure out the cause.
3. "But more than anything, keep in mind what is really important while the school endures this ordeal, and keep your thoughts and words in line as you do."
4. No, didn't address other side of story.
5. No, Matt wasn't wishy-washy about their opinion. He was strongly on the side of staying supportive and understanding about this situation and to keep the killed and injured in their prayers.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd person

Story 2 - Making Mum Preferred Rather Than Buying (The Outlook)

1. Paulina Zuleta
2. This story was about whether a student should purchase or make a mum, and which is more expensive. Paulina shares advice in order to get the best price for the mums.
3. "I feel it's better to make your own mum because you know what you want."
4. No
5. No, Paulina was pretty set on saying a student should make a mum as oppose to buying one.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd person

Story 3 - A Case Against Valentines Day (The Prowler)

1. Damon Fullington
2. This story is about the bad things that take place on Valentines, with added humor and strong personal experiences from the writer, Damon.
3. "While there is no shame in having a day set aside in the name of love, there are lines that should be drawn"
4. No
5. No, Damon was strong on the idea that Valentines was over the top.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

CE 2.2

1. The two potential causes of the Hidden Pines fire in Bastrop are one, an intentionally set burn pile and two, an overheating shredder.

2. Alan Glukian was nominated for a music educators award because SaulPaul was impressed with how he interacted with students, he had a great passion for it, and went above and beyond to keep the program running.

3. The favorite to win the F1 race is Lewis Hamilton.

4. 3 types of apples mentioned in the article are Ginger Golds, Honeycrisp, and Jonagold.

5. Out of the 8 items mentioned, I would definitely splurge on good dark chocolate.

Short Answer:

Yes, I've considered buying a textbook to compensate for the digital version available to me. Some of the online textbooks take a long time to get to, or make it really hard to find the page I need in order to complete my work in time. Not having a textbook has actually hurt my grades. One time, I was required to complete a review for a test, and a portion of it was on the online textbook. I tried to access the textbook for around an hour and a half, with no luck, so both my grade was docked and time was wasted. No, I don't think going all digital has been a good decision, although it is more convenient in certain situations. Sometimes the server is down or I don't have access to an online source, so I can't complete my work in time. I do believe that this trend will continue in the United States, because of the advancement of technology and the familiarity and access to everything technology. I think that schools and districts decided to do away with textbooks because it was a hassle to give all the students their own hard copy of a textbook, and they think the new system would be more efficient and easier to access and complete assignments.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing

Story 1:

1. Editorial staff (no specific name)
2. This story is about the Fit schedule and the policies of Fit, the opinions of the writer, and how the students don't have a say in the schedule.
3. "While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't think that FIT is more valuable than actual class time." Another quote: "I think that shorter class times are with the extra 30 minutes of study time."
4. Yes
5. No, there isn't any back and forth opinions. The writer/s is strongly on the side of more FIT, but it's less valuable than regular classes.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

Story 2:

1. Kelsie Stella
2. This story is about the new online services, the V.O.E. forms and parking permits, offered to students at the school and her opinion about how they will affect the school and students.
3. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful."
4. Yes, the students that don't have access to the internet.
5. No, Kelsie is strong on the side of promoting these new online services.
6. Yes, but it's words taken from the article (writer's words)
7. 1st person

Story 3:

1. Nya Martin
2. This story is about the incident where Blue Bell ice cream gave people food poisoning, then came back to the market too soon and at a too high of price.
3. "I understand that everyone makes mistakes, but if a mistake that could've been avoided by doing your job drastically affects other people's lives, you should be held accountable and punished."
4. No
5. No, Nya was strongly against Blue Bell's decisions and how they made of the incident.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

Story 4:

1. Annika Holm
2. This story is about the problems with our school's pep rallies, and how the problem can be fixed.
3. "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school." and another quote: "Though the general idea of a pep rally may be to encourage student support for all sports, it just comes off as a hard sell for football, and nothing else."
4. No, nothing on students who like the way of the pep rally.
5. No, Annika is strong on the rally for a better pep rally.
6. No quotes
7. 3rd person

Story 5:

1. Amaya Marquez
2. This story is about how some school sports, specifically lacrosse, doesn't get the same representation and equality compared to other common sports. 
3. "...all we need is a lacrosse field, and a class. Which would make things so much more easier, as well as making it better for lacrosse players."
4. No, she didn't have anything on people not on these uncommon sports
5. No, Amaya was strong on lacrosse 'equality'.
6. Yes, said by writer Amaya
7. 1st person

Story 6:

1. Melissa Weprin
2. This story is about the problems relating to the S.E.L. lessons that are currently ineffective to students, who are unaware they are even learning the lessons.
3. "If there was an introduction to S.E.L. as well as an explanation as to what it is, it could potentially stick better with the student by letting them know it's important and not just a way to fill time in the hour and a half class."
4. No
5. No, Melissa was set on saying that the current way the S.E.L. lessons are taught are ineffective.
6. No
7. 1st person

A. Three major differences between an hard news story and an opinions piece are one, the content. A hard news story is strictly facts, while an opinions piece is well, opinions from the writer. Secondly, a hard news story has quotes from various sources (not quotes from writer either) while an opinions piece typically has one or none, and it is pulled from the article itself. Lastly, an opinions piece is typically one sided, while the hard news story tells the entire story.

B. I think that there aren't that many photos on these pages because the stories are less informational and more opinionated. You can't easily take a picture of an opinion.

C. Three topics that I think would be good to write an opinions piece on are firstly, the appropriateness of the additions to the school campus. Secondly, the new technology (phones, etc.). Lastly, the outdated supplies for art courses.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake Story

who: residents in the San Francisco area
what: were injured or killed
when: Monday morning, 8:12 a.m.
where: San Francisco area
why: buildings collapsed
how: an earthquake occurred

Yesterday morning at 8:12 a.m., residents in the San Francisco area were hurt after McHenry's Auto Supply building collapsed from an earthquake the Hayward area. 

The fall of this building on 2342 Plum St. killed two people and injured six, according to Jennifer Vu, public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department. 

"When the building collapsed, three of the six people were injured enough to be taken to the Hayward General Hospital. It was a sad moment; I couldn't help but wonder how their families must be feeling," Vu said.

People from as south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the earthquake.

"Luckily, no other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward," Vu said.

McHenry's Auto Supply building is located next to resident Mike Beamer's apartment building.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling," Beamer said.

The rolling motion that Mike Beamer felt lasted for about a minute, with a big jolt in the middle.

"I dove under the table just as I heard the explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming started across the street," Beamer said.

Shortly after the collapse, Hayward firefighters and other services came to stabilize the building with ropes and after finding a gas leak in the building, capped a gas line.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four or five minutes of the quake," Vu said.

Under the Richter scale, the epicenter of the earthquake measured a magnitude of 6.4.

"The earthquake occurred on the Hayward Fault. It runs along the [Hayward] hills, so this was a strong one," Scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park Penny Gertz said.

Word Count: 301

Huntington Story

who: Janice Jones
what: was shot in the right leg
when: around 10 p.m. Wednesday
where: parked on Beach Boulevard near Highway 1 in the back of her motor home
why: her dog knocked a 9 mm handgun off a seat
how: the gun was discharged when it hit the floor

At around 10 p.m. Wednesday in the back of her motor home, 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in the right leg after her dog knocked a 9 mm handgun off a seat and it discharged when it hit the floor.

Along with hitting Jones' leg, the bullet also passed through the side of the vehicle according to California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye.

"It could've been worse," Rye said. "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank."

Tombo, Jones' Pomeranian, was placed in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers, and according to animal control officer Janet Ngo, the dog had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead and seemed to be malnourished.

"It could've done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," Ngo said.

Jones was taken to the Huntington Beach hospital and then transported to the Irvine Medical Center.

"First my dinner gets interrupted when my dog shoots my leg, then here I am, being taken to multiple hospitals to be treated. This is ludicrous." Jones said.

Along with possible animal charges against Jones, Rye cites her for expired license plate and no permit for her gun.

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 1 - News Evaluation

Story 1:

1. Who: Parker Smith
What: Standing up for her body against rape culture
When: September 4th
Where: Bowie High School
Why: She had been dress coded for a shirt.
How: She spoke out after being dress coded.

2. Senior Parker Smith was dress coded for her shirt, and in response to standing up for her body against rape culture, Smith posted tweets talking about her situation. This caused Smith's tweets to become a hot topic that attracted many different people with different views on the matter.

3. Quoted:
- Parker Smith, direct quote
- Stephen Kane, direct quote
- Jennifer Smith, direct quote
- Administrative staff, indirect quote
- Brandon Smith, direct quote

4. I think that the first paragraph is an opinion, because Kamryn Bryce (writer) explains how "life isn't fair'.
Another transition I think is an opinion is the third paragraph from the end, when Kamryn says how "while it is easy to focus..." and "the true problem at hand is...".

5. No, the headline can be talking about a large variety of things that are all "age old". It isn't specific enough.

6. yes.

Story 2:

1. Who: Bowie High School
What: Big changes are being made around the school.
When: This school year
Where: Bowie High School
Why: The bond package that was passed two years ago
How: Building a new training room and kitchen

2. Bowie High School is building two new rooms, the athletic training room and kitchen for Culinary Arts and Nutrition, along with new smaller changes such as tables and clocks. These changes are being made in hopes to make school life easier and more efficient.

3. Quoted:
- Pablo Riera, direct quote
- Brittani Thibodeaux, direct quote
- Richard Winemiller, direct quote
- Janelle Seay, direct quote

4. I think that a line in the 4th paragraph from the bottom is an opinion, when Evan Owens (writer) says "i think that this is so students can read the time easier..."

5. Yes

6. Yes

Story 3:

1. Who: SAT and ACT (?)
What: Will be different than they have been in past years
When: March 2016 (time of SAT and ACT)
Where: Bowie High School
Why: The tests are going to be a different version (?)
How: none

2. After March of 2016, the SAT and ACT tests will be a different version with a few changes, and students that had previously taken the tests wished they had done things differently when they prepared and took the test. The SAT prep teacher Judd Pfieffer gave advice for upcoming tests.

3. Quoted:
- Judd Pfieffer, direct quote
- Isabela Doberenz, direct quote
- Ricky Ramirez, direct quote

4. No opinions

5. yes

6. yes

Story 4:

1. Who: Bowie High School Bell Schedule
What: There is a different schedule for A and B days
When: This school year
Where: Bowie High School
Why: To sync up with other school campuses
How: The bell schedule alternates between A and B days every week

2. Schedules at Bowie, from Fit to bell schedules, were planned to change for this school year, which caused confusion and frustration from some students and teachers. The students also were concerned about the new Fit schedule that was planned to change, but when the schedule stayed the same, students shared their opinions on the Fit program.

3. Quoted:
- Emily Heim, direct quote
- Nicole Moore, direct quote
- Kalia Aquino, direct quote
- Patricia Conroy direct quote
- Matt Saucier, direct quote
- Lili Benitez, direct quote
- Sahaj Mann, direct quote

4. No opinions

5. no, it doesn't explain the first part of the story.

6. yes, but it only applies to the second half of the story.

Story 5:

1. Who: Bowie High School
What: Given a 16.5 million dollar bond
When: In 2013
Where: Bowie High School
Why: To make renovations to the school
How: AISD gave Bowie a bond

2. AISD has given Bowie High School a 16.5 million dollar bond to use as renovation for the school, and considerable changes have been made that has been noticed by both teachers and students. Although bathrooms have been renovated and new equipment has been installed, there are still issues that need to be taken care of.

3. Quoted:
- Vicki Herbert, direct quote
- Tanner Howell, direct quote
- Robert Rasmus, direct quote

4. I think that the end of the first paragraph is an opinion, when Farner says, "...renovations are evident... school is becoming better for both teachers and students..."
Also on the 10th paragraph, Farner says how "...many things, from aesthetics to hygiene, have changed for the better," which I think is an opinion.

5. yes

6. no

Friday, October 9, 2015

CE #2.1

1. The potential conflict of interest is that the people that are in Parks and Recreation feel uncomfortable taking the tickets, knowing their high price. One of the members, Rick Cofer, thinks that he doesn't deserve to have these free tickets if he doesn't want to go, and they should be given to someone that will actually have interest to them.

2. I think that with this picture, he is portraying people who care more about money than a family. That specific jobs with a good pay, such as a lawmaker, are the people who would rather have money than a family. Love comes from many different sources for different things.

3. The UT Professor plans to resign from his job because the state's campus carry law is making him fear for his safety.

4. Amazon is bringing a new marketplace that lets people sell homemade items from more than 5,000 artisans who want to sell their products.

5. The game is no longer intimidating for newcomers, and as the author stated, you're free to "immerse yourself in the addictive mission-based structure."

Short answer:

I think that this industry has had so much growth because people don't want to go out and get their own necessities and groceries. The process takes so much time, and with this industry, they can do their grocery and supplies shopping on their device. It's easier and faster. No, my family has never used this kind of service for grocery supplies, although we do use Amazon and other similar websites for different supplies that we can't get elsewhere. I think that this phenomenon has been targeted to millennials because these 20-30 year olds are, in my opinion, the most busy. Most have a job and a car, but don't want to go out grocery shopping when they get done with a hard, busy day of work. I do think that people will use this service in the future, knowing how well e-commerce services such as Amazon have done. I feel like people will view this service as easier, more efficient ways of living.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Car Accident Story

Who: Roger Clementine, John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith and wife Melba
What: got in a car accident
When: at 4:45pm this afternoon
Where: the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane
Why: Clementine had used his Uncle's Studebaker and was going 60 miles per hour in the wrong side of the lane. The Smiths were driving 10 miles per hour and got hit by Clementine.
How: the 1989 Yugo the Smiths were driving hit the Studebaker, Clementine's car, in a head-on collision.

At 4:45 this afternoon at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane, 13 year old Roger Clementine had a head-on collision with John Jacob and Melba Jingleheimer-Smith after Clementine drove 60mph in the wrong lane.

"I thought I was driving pretty good, until I saw the front window of a car and at that moment I realized I was driving in the wrong lane. I could see the terrified looks on their faces, but it was too late to stop," Clementine said.

The Smiths were driving their Yugo a slow 10 miles per hour on the far eastbound lane of Slaughter Lane heading east.

"My husband and I were driving down the road, and the next minute our car was smashed and I was being taken to the hospital," Melba Jingleheimer-Smith said. "I was frightened for my husband's sake, but I was more angry at this boy, who was stupid enough to speed down a road, underaged and unsupervised."

Henry Green witnessed the entire collision as it occurred.

"I was walking on the sidewalk on Slaughter Lane when I saw a really young boy speeding down the road with no sign that he was going to stop, " Green said. "I watched one of the cars crumple under the weight of his and heard the crunching of metal. I can't imagine what was going through his mind when he hit them."

The police cited 13 year old Roger Clementine for driving without a license, and Roger confessed that he had been driving his uncle's Studebaker.

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I swear. I took my uncle's car out driving because I thought it would be a bunch of fun, just like in the movies I've seen. I didn't think it would end with me going to the hospital and other people getting hurt too," Clementine said.

After the incident, Clementine and the Smiths were taken to the hospital and Clementine and Melba were released shortly, but John suffered a more serious head injury.

"This boy could've killed us had the accident been worse," Melba Jingleheimer-Smith said. "I was lucky to have gotten out of the hospital with only a bloody nose. My husband is still in the hospital, and it's all because of this boy."

Word Count: 377

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Big Day

          He was driving down the long road in his Volkswagen as she, the bride got ready for her wedding. Time was ticking, and he needed to get there before she married him, the other guy, the one she wasn't supposed to be with. Like the world was his enemy, everything did its part in slowing him down. He kept checking his watch, she kept waiting. The reception was about to start, and she looked around nervously, as if she was expecting him to burst through the doors at that moment. He never did. He tapped on the steering wheel impatiently under the red traffic light. He was so close her, but he was too late. The church doors closed with great force and the wedding began. When he showed up to the church, he flung the doors open, and started to march to her, when he noticed they were saying their vows. Her glance sharpened on him, but she quickly played it off and faced the guy. She married the other man, and there was nothing he could do about it now.

Who- James (the guy in the Volkswagen)
What- Was trying to get to Heather's (the bride) wedding
When- Heather's wedding day
Where- On the road and in the church
Why- James wanted to stop the wedding, to stop her from marrying David (Heather's fiancé)
How- By driving in his Volkswagen to the wedding

Descriptive Explanation:

It's lightly raining, enough for the Volkswagen's windshield wipers to be sweeping the soft rain off the front window. James drives down the long, winding road in an open plain, hands pressed to his head in concern as he sits in formal attire. In a church far away, Heather gets ready for her wedding day. There are bridesmaids all around her, polishing her up to make this day special. As Heather continues to prepare, James drives with great speed and sharp focus through the covering of the trees. So far, he's making good time. Heather fiddles with her proposal band, nervousness shown on her face; it's almost time to walk down the aisle. Both her father and James check their watches. Her father awaiting the great moment, James becoming frantic that he won't make it in time. He has to stop this wedding from happening. Suddenly, James notices a camper ahead on the road, slowed to a speed only driven by those with extra carefulness. He soon realizes that he's going to run out of time. As his own Volkswagen slows immensely, he quickly veers around it and zooms off. Meanwhile, Heather practices her vows and looks around nervously, as if she's expecting someone to come bursting through the church doors. She then searches for James through the window, waiting for him to come. With no time left for James, she turns away and proceeds to the ceremony. At that same moment, her father closes the church doors and the wedding begins. On the long road, James angrily beats at his steering wheel after being stopped once again by a train, and he screams out in frustration. After the long wait, James finally arrives to the church and throws the doors open, only to discover the wedding already in action. Heather and her fiancé, David, are standing in front of the priest. The pounding of James' feet against the silent room's floors grabs Heather's attention, and her eyes widen with surprise. She quickly turns away from his figure in shock, and it's then that David notices him too. His eyes stare into James', then turn back to Heather. His expression shows shock and disbelief from this turn of events. It's too late for James though. Heather is already getting married to David.

To stop Heather from marrying her fiancé David at a wedding that day, James tries to make it to the ceremony by speeding to the church in his Volkswagen.

"While I was driving down the long, winding road to get to the church, I couldn't help but to worry about what would happen if I didn't make it in time," James said. "I didn't want her to marry the wrong man."

Meanwhile at the church, bride Heather gets ready for her wedding day.

"The preparation for the wedding was a mix of curling irons, makeup brushes in my face, and my bridesmaids talking over one another," Heather said. "It was chaotic, but fun in a way."

Time is running out for James as he drives through the covering of the trees, then approaching the busy city.

"I was making good time and everything seemed to be working out, despite my sweaty hands gripping the steering wheel," James said. "It was then that I noticed a camper not too far away from my Volkswagen, moving at an unreasonably slow speed. Of course something like this had to happen. By then, I knew I'd be late."

Minutes before the ceremony was going to start, Heather fiddled with her engagement ring as she made her way to the window.

"I knew I should've been excited about marrying David, but I had a nagging feeling, like this wasn't who I was supposed to marry. I couldn't shake it off," Heather said. "So I found myself looking out the window for James... I know it sounds dishonorable, and I couldn't imagine how David would react if he showed up."

Heather's father silently closes the large church doors as the wedding begins; there is still no sign of James.

"I almost made it to the wedding, but then a train cut across the road. It's like everything was against me at that moment, and I felt like my world was falling apart," James said.

Halfway through the ceremony, James burst through the church doors, taking the attention of many in the wedding.

"I heard the pounding of feet against the silent room's floors, and I just knew it was James," Heather said. "I immediately regretted looking over, because David noticed my diverted attention. I didn't know what to do."

The whole wedding paused as James stood in shock after noticing the ceremony already in action.

"I couldn't believe my eyes," Fiancé David said. "I stared at this mystery guy, glaring, and then turning back to my fiancee in disbelief. I don't know why, but I walked out. Heather just looked back with wide eyes, but at that point, I didn't care how she felt anymore."

Two years later, James and Heather reflect back on this strange turn of events.

"It was definitely a different wedding, but if James hadn't walked in, I would've been married to a man that wasn't right for me," Heather said. "I wouldn't know that I'm supposed to be with James, my loving husband."

Word Count: 502

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Student of the Month Story

          This past month at Bowie High School, sophomore Aaron Flores won student of the month, as decided by a vote conducted by the teachers because of his positivity and help around the school.

          "This student showed exceptional qualities and was very involved in school activities," Tenth grade Chemistry teacher Emily Spencer said. "He was overall a very good student."

          Student of the Month has been going on for a few years at Bowie, so Aaron Flores wasn't the only one who received this award. Senior Mikayla James was awarded Student of the Month during her Junior year.
          "When I found out that I had been picked, I danced around a little bit... I know it sounds weird, but I was really excited; I wanted this award so much," James said.        

          Winning Student of the Month means a lot to Sophomore Aaron Flores, who was really happy to hear he won.

          "[The award] got me a lot more friends because people recognized my great work and positivity," Flores said.

          Aaron Flores wasn't the only one to be noticed after being named Student of the Month.

          "Being the Student of the Month was an awesome experience," Former Student of the Month Mikayla James said. "I got to eat lunch with the principals, which was actually really fun, and more people recognized and congratulated me."

          This award not only motivates the Students of the Month, but all students in the campus, according to Chemistry teacher Emily Spencer.

          "I feel like having Student of the Month really encourages other students to get involved in their school and try their hardest in both academics and extracurriculars," Spencer said.

          Having a Student of the Month affects both the students and the school's reputation.

          "I think it would make the school better because [the school] chooses students who excel," Aaron Flores said.

          Mikayla James has a different view on the affect of the school's reputation.

          "I feel like having a Student of the Month makes the school look more involved," James said. "It shows that the students here care about how they represent themselves and [that] their education is important to them."

          To be chosen for this award, a student doesn't have to be involved in every activity or club.

          "When I was chosen during my Junior year, I was in just about every club and sport -- soccer, volleyball, yearbook, art club, and National Honor Society," Senior Mikayla James said. "However, I don't think that's the main reason why I won. My friend also got picked, and she wasn't as involved as me, but she was always happy and participated regularly in school."

          Aaron Flores has advice for students wishing to be awarded Student of the Month in the future months.
          "Do all of your classwork, be positive, and do anything to help the school community." Flores said.

Word Count: 472


CE 1.5

1. The story about the pope meeting with Kim Davis, the woman that refused same sex marriage licenses, is a story in the newspaper because the first incident with refusing the licenses caused so much drama. To have another action performed by Kim Davis, especially one that rules against same sex marriage (the catholic religion doesn't support it), causes more suspicion on what she is planning to do from the information she gathered in the interview.

2. The Texas population support increased by 13% over the last 5 years.

3. Three key findings from the Lyceum poll: 1. One in 10 respondents said that immigration was the most important issue facing the country. 2. 72% of Texans want to encourage their kids to play football. 3. 9% of Texans said that they feel education is the most important issue facing Texas.

4. The poll is unique because it looked at the state's entire adult population rather than registered voters. It also surveyed a more diverse selection of the society.

5. Jordan Spieth performed a 1-under 69 that got him a four-shot victory in the Championship.

Short answer:

A wearable is a piece of technology that you wear on your body to perform certain functions. This has become something we're seeing more and more of because it's smaller, more integrated into our bodies, and big companies have been advertising it as the "Age of Wearable Gadgets". I think that the hearing aids to clothing with sensors to track sweat, etc. interests me the most. I do think that we'll see more of these in the future, with the advancement of technology and the need for better, portable, and unnoticeable gadgets. First the google glass, now wearable technology. I think these will be useful in certain situations, but I could never see myself actually putting on a Wearable. It would be a weird feeling to me, having a piece of technology literally attached to my body. I do think that this will become very popular in popular events and concerts/shows to where a "bulky" piece of technology isn't required anymore. I do think that if these Wearables are affordable and efficient, there will be those people that buy them and use them regularly.