Friday, October 23, 2015

Personal Essays

1. One idea that the writer gave that I can use to start deciding on a topic is to pick a topic that interests you, that you care strongly enough about to write about.

2. One idea that the writer gave to remember when writing my piece is to use a lot of details and avoid using abstract expressions and phrases.

3. Three suggestions the writer makes to use as I write are firstly, to write from a personal perspective, but keep in mind of the construction. Secondly, avoid philosophical rants about your topic that make no connections to the reader. Lastly, grab the reader's attention with a strong hook.

Story 1 - Focusing On What's Important in the Wake of Tragedy (The Talon)

1. Matt Davenport
2. This story is about an incident that occurred at the school, where a frame of construction fell and killed one worker and injuring three others. Both students, teachers, and others are trying to cope with this situation and figure out the cause.
3. "But more than anything, keep in mind what is really important while the school endures this ordeal, and keep your thoughts and words in line as you do."
4. No, didn't address other side of story.
5. No, Matt wasn't wishy-washy about their opinion. He was strongly on the side of staying supportive and understanding about this situation and to keep the killed and injured in their prayers.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd person

Story 2 - Making Mum Preferred Rather Than Buying (The Outlook)

1. Paulina Zuleta
2. This story was about whether a student should purchase or make a mum, and which is more expensive. Paulina shares advice in order to get the best price for the mums.
3. "I feel it's better to make your own mum because you know what you want."
4. No
5. No, Paulina was pretty set on saying a student should make a mum as oppose to buying one.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd person

Story 3 - A Case Against Valentines Day (The Prowler)

1. Damon Fullington
2. This story is about the bad things that take place on Valentines, with added humor and strong personal experiences from the writer, Damon.
3. "While there is no shame in having a day set aside in the name of love, there are lines that should be drawn"
4. No
5. No, Damon was strong on the idea that Valentines was over the top.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

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