Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing

Story 1:

1. Editorial staff (no specific name)
2. This story is about the Fit schedule and the policies of Fit, the opinions of the writer, and how the students don't have a say in the schedule.
3. "While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't think that FIT is more valuable than actual class time." Another quote: "I think that shorter class times are with the extra 30 minutes of study time."
4. Yes
5. No, there isn't any back and forth opinions. The writer/s is strongly on the side of more FIT, but it's less valuable than regular classes.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

Story 2:

1. Kelsie Stella
2. This story is about the new online services, the V.O.E. forms and parking permits, offered to students at the school and her opinion about how they will affect the school and students.
3. "I think that moving toward a more technology-based system for these two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful."
4. Yes, the students that don't have access to the internet.
5. No, Kelsie is strong on the side of promoting these new online services.
6. Yes, but it's words taken from the article (writer's words)
7. 1st person

Story 3:

1. Nya Martin
2. This story is about the incident where Blue Bell ice cream gave people food poisoning, then came back to the market too soon and at a too high of price.
3. "I understand that everyone makes mistakes, but if a mistake that could've been avoided by doing your job drastically affects other people's lives, you should be held accountable and punished."
4. No
5. No, Nya was strongly against Blue Bell's decisions and how they made of the incident.
6. No quotes
7. 1st person

Story 4:

1. Annika Holm
2. This story is about the problems with our school's pep rallies, and how the problem can be fixed.
3. "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school." and another quote: "Though the general idea of a pep rally may be to encourage student support for all sports, it just comes off as a hard sell for football, and nothing else."
4. No, nothing on students who like the way of the pep rally.
5. No, Annika is strong on the rally for a better pep rally.
6. No quotes
7. 3rd person

Story 5:

1. Amaya Marquez
2. This story is about how some school sports, specifically lacrosse, doesn't get the same representation and equality compared to other common sports. 
3. "...all we need is a lacrosse field, and a class. Which would make things so much more easier, as well as making it better for lacrosse players."
4. No, she didn't have anything on people not on these uncommon sports
5. No, Amaya was strong on lacrosse 'equality'.
6. Yes, said by writer Amaya
7. 1st person

Story 6:

1. Melissa Weprin
2. This story is about the problems relating to the S.E.L. lessons that are currently ineffective to students, who are unaware they are even learning the lessons.
3. "If there was an introduction to S.E.L. as well as an explanation as to what it is, it could potentially stick better with the student by letting them know it's important and not just a way to fill time in the hour and a half class."
4. No
5. No, Melissa was set on saying that the current way the S.E.L. lessons are taught are ineffective.
6. No
7. 1st person

A. Three major differences between an hard news story and an opinions piece are one, the content. A hard news story is strictly facts, while an opinions piece is well, opinions from the writer. Secondly, a hard news story has quotes from various sources (not quotes from writer either) while an opinions piece typically has one or none, and it is pulled from the article itself. Lastly, an opinions piece is typically one sided, while the hard news story tells the entire story.

B. I think that there aren't that many photos on these pages because the stories are less informational and more opinionated. You can't easily take a picture of an opinion.

C. Three topics that I think would be good to write an opinions piece on are firstly, the appropriateness of the additions to the school campus. Secondly, the new technology (phones, etc.). Lastly, the outdated supplies for art courses.

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