Monday, October 5, 2015

The Big Day

          He was driving down the long road in his Volkswagen as she, the bride got ready for her wedding. Time was ticking, and he needed to get there before she married him, the other guy, the one she wasn't supposed to be with. Like the world was his enemy, everything did its part in slowing him down. He kept checking his watch, she kept waiting. The reception was about to start, and she looked around nervously, as if she was expecting him to burst through the doors at that moment. He never did. He tapped on the steering wheel impatiently under the red traffic light. He was so close her, but he was too late. The church doors closed with great force and the wedding began. When he showed up to the church, he flung the doors open, and started to march to her, when he noticed they were saying their vows. Her glance sharpened on him, but she quickly played it off and faced the guy. She married the other man, and there was nothing he could do about it now.

Who- James (the guy in the Volkswagen)
What- Was trying to get to Heather's (the bride) wedding
When- Heather's wedding day
Where- On the road and in the church
Why- James wanted to stop the wedding, to stop her from marrying David (Heather's fiancé)
How- By driving in his Volkswagen to the wedding

Descriptive Explanation:

It's lightly raining, enough for the Volkswagen's windshield wipers to be sweeping the soft rain off the front window. James drives down the long, winding road in an open plain, hands pressed to his head in concern as he sits in formal attire. In a church far away, Heather gets ready for her wedding day. There are bridesmaids all around her, polishing her up to make this day special. As Heather continues to prepare, James drives with great speed and sharp focus through the covering of the trees. So far, he's making good time. Heather fiddles with her proposal band, nervousness shown on her face; it's almost time to walk down the aisle. Both her father and James check their watches. Her father awaiting the great moment, James becoming frantic that he won't make it in time. He has to stop this wedding from happening. Suddenly, James notices a camper ahead on the road, slowed to a speed only driven by those with extra carefulness. He soon realizes that he's going to run out of time. As his own Volkswagen slows immensely, he quickly veers around it and zooms off. Meanwhile, Heather practices her vows and looks around nervously, as if she's expecting someone to come bursting through the church doors. She then searches for James through the window, waiting for him to come. With no time left for James, she turns away and proceeds to the ceremony. At that same moment, her father closes the church doors and the wedding begins. On the long road, James angrily beats at his steering wheel after being stopped once again by a train, and he screams out in frustration. After the long wait, James finally arrives to the church and throws the doors open, only to discover the wedding already in action. Heather and her fiancé, David, are standing in front of the priest. The pounding of James' feet against the silent room's floors grabs Heather's attention, and her eyes widen with surprise. She quickly turns away from his figure in shock, and it's then that David notices him too. His eyes stare into James', then turn back to Heather. His expression shows shock and disbelief from this turn of events. It's too late for James though. Heather is already getting married to David.

To stop Heather from marrying her fiancé David at a wedding that day, James tries to make it to the ceremony by speeding to the church in his Volkswagen.

"While I was driving down the long, winding road to get to the church, I couldn't help but to worry about what would happen if I didn't make it in time," James said. "I didn't want her to marry the wrong man."

Meanwhile at the church, bride Heather gets ready for her wedding day.

"The preparation for the wedding was a mix of curling irons, makeup brushes in my face, and my bridesmaids talking over one another," Heather said. "It was chaotic, but fun in a way."

Time is running out for James as he drives through the covering of the trees, then approaching the busy city.

"I was making good time and everything seemed to be working out, despite my sweaty hands gripping the steering wheel," James said. "It was then that I noticed a camper not too far away from my Volkswagen, moving at an unreasonably slow speed. Of course something like this had to happen. By then, I knew I'd be late."

Minutes before the ceremony was going to start, Heather fiddled with her engagement ring as she made her way to the window.

"I knew I should've been excited about marrying David, but I had a nagging feeling, like this wasn't who I was supposed to marry. I couldn't shake it off," Heather said. "So I found myself looking out the window for James... I know it sounds dishonorable, and I couldn't imagine how David would react if he showed up."

Heather's father silently closes the large church doors as the wedding begins; there is still no sign of James.

"I almost made it to the wedding, but then a train cut across the road. It's like everything was against me at that moment, and I felt like my world was falling apart," James said.

Halfway through the ceremony, James burst through the church doors, taking the attention of many in the wedding.

"I heard the pounding of feet against the silent room's floors, and I just knew it was James," Heather said. "I immediately regretted looking over, because David noticed my diverted attention. I didn't know what to do."

The whole wedding paused as James stood in shock after noticing the ceremony already in action.

"I couldn't believe my eyes," Fiancé David said. "I stared at this mystery guy, glaring, and then turning back to my fiancee in disbelief. I don't know why, but I walked out. Heather just looked back with wide eyes, but at that point, I didn't care how she felt anymore."

Two years later, James and Heather reflect back on this strange turn of events.

"It was definitely a different wedding, but if James hadn't walked in, I would've been married to a man that wasn't right for me," Heather said. "I wouldn't know that I'm supposed to be with James, my loving husband."

Word Count: 502

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