Thursday, October 29, 2015

CE 2.3

1. The speaker of the house is Rep. Paul Ryan and he's aligned with the Republicans.

2. The law in Texas specifically says that "...failure to identify becomes an offense if the person 'intentionally refuses to give a name, residence address, or date of birth to an officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information."

3. Two teams playing in the World Series are the Mets and the Royals.

4. Two Do's for bringing autumn into your home decor are one, buy high quality decor so it's worth the purchase and two, choose unexpected color combinations that allow the decor to be used for more than one season. Two Don'ts for bringing autumn into your home decor are one, don't buy decor that can only be used for one season or else they aren't used and two, don't overboard with season decor.

5. Out of the five things to do on the long weekend, I would want to go to the Umlauf Sculpture Garden.

Short Answer:

Yes, I've seen the video of the girl being thrown across the room by a deputy after flipped out of her desk. In my opinion, this incident is unbelievable. What this deputy did was unnecessary and he could've resolved the issue some other way. I understand that the girl was being disruptive, but physically flipping her out of her desk and throwing her is not the way to solving the issue. The deputy should be punished. Yes, I do think that police brutality is a problem in our country, because I think that police officers abuse their power and control. They think they can get away with illegal issues because of their position. I think there is racism behind these issues, as sad as that is. All of the incidents I've seen have a dark-skinned person as the victim, even if they weren't doing anything necessarily wrong. In this issue, social media and cell phones plays an important role. This was the reason behind this incident, and if the girl hadn't disrupted the class with her cell phone and herself on the cell phone, this mess could've been prevented. I think that it's important for other people to see what is happening in other parts of the country or the world. It helps bring awareness to different situations, although I do believe that there is an excessive amount of publicity and broadcast that can harm a person as an individual if they were involved.

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