Thursday, October 1, 2015

Student of the Month Story

          This past month at Bowie High School, sophomore Aaron Flores won student of the month, as decided by a vote conducted by the teachers because of his positivity and help around the school.

          "This student showed exceptional qualities and was very involved in school activities," Tenth grade Chemistry teacher Emily Spencer said. "He was overall a very good student."

          Student of the Month has been going on for a few years at Bowie, so Aaron Flores wasn't the only one who received this award. Senior Mikayla James was awarded Student of the Month during her Junior year.
          "When I found out that I had been picked, I danced around a little bit... I know it sounds weird, but I was really excited; I wanted this award so much," James said.        

          Winning Student of the Month means a lot to Sophomore Aaron Flores, who was really happy to hear he won.

          "[The award] got me a lot more friends because people recognized my great work and positivity," Flores said.

          Aaron Flores wasn't the only one to be noticed after being named Student of the Month.

          "Being the Student of the Month was an awesome experience," Former Student of the Month Mikayla James said. "I got to eat lunch with the principals, which was actually really fun, and more people recognized and congratulated me."

          This award not only motivates the Students of the Month, but all students in the campus, according to Chemistry teacher Emily Spencer.

          "I feel like having Student of the Month really encourages other students to get involved in their school and try their hardest in both academics and extracurriculars," Spencer said.

          Having a Student of the Month affects both the students and the school's reputation.

          "I think it would make the school better because [the school] chooses students who excel," Aaron Flores said.

          Mikayla James has a different view on the affect of the school's reputation.

          "I feel like having a Student of the Month makes the school look more involved," James said. "It shows that the students here care about how they represent themselves and [that] their education is important to them."

          To be chosen for this award, a student doesn't have to be involved in every activity or club.

          "When I was chosen during my Junior year, I was in just about every club and sport -- soccer, volleyball, yearbook, art club, and National Honor Society," Senior Mikayla James said. "However, I don't think that's the main reason why I won. My friend also got picked, and she wasn't as involved as me, but she was always happy and participated regularly in school."

          Aaron Flores has advice for students wishing to be awarded Student of the Month in the future months.
          "Do all of your classwork, be positive, and do anything to help the school community." Flores said.

Word Count: 472


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