Monday, March 21, 2016

My Spring Break

My spring break was absolutely incredible! I think the highlight of my break was definitely going to the Troye Sivan concert! I am in love with his music and so hearing him live in Dallas was loads of fun. Before going to the concert, my friend Emily and I decided to go to the massive mall in Dallas. Unfortunately, the traffic was horrendous, so after a while, we had to go to the bathroom... Luckily, we found an italian restaurant nearby, so we stopped there. But, uh, there was kinda a problem... Emily and I couldn't find the door to get into the restaurant... We walked around the building multiple times as this couple watched us from an outside table. Embarrassing. Finallly, we got inside, only to find that the signs for the bathroom doors were only written in french. We hoped so badly that we walked into the right bathroom (Luckily, we did). Let's just say that was an ... interesting experience...
When we got to the venue, the House of Blues, there was a massive line, so despite getting there really early, we found ourselves stuck at the back of the line. After playing (and finishing) four painfully slow 'alphabet' games, my friend Emily and I made it inside! There were already lots of people on the floor, and by the time we got to it, we couldn't see a thing. Lots of people were in the same boat as us, and we started talking to these guys (I have to admit, they were pretty attractive :) Eventually, we all went to the balcony, which was almost empty, so we had really good seats! As soon as the show started, everyone was screaming so loud, including myself, that I doubt anyone could actually hear Troye sing... I got really cool videos (sadly, I imported them to my laptop so I don't have them on my phone anymore) and a few cool pictures. By the time the concert ended, I had lost my voice completely... it was so worth it though.

Skipping to the beginning of my break, before the concert, I had gotten a text from my oldest sister (she's in her third year of college) that she was coming home, and stupidly, I told her that I made cookies, which she was 'really excited to eat'. Whoops. In the short time before she got to Austin, I hurried to make these amazing snicker doodle cookies, and while they were cooking, the light came through the blinds and landed on a single cookie, so naturally, I took a picture of it (It was delicious as well).

In conclusion, my spring break was amazing, and although I did more things and hung out with more people, that would be painfully long to read (and write), so those were some of the things I remembered off the top of my head.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Cover Review

a. Lite Photo by Joey K.
b. I really like how the words framed the picture and the creative picture that was taken. Also there's the fact that the headline topics relate really well to the photo.
c. The only thing that I would recommend to be changed about this cover is the size of the barcode and the price of the magazine (needs to be a lot cheaper).
d. I picked this magazine cover because the photo is absolutely incredible looking. The creative aspect of the cover is definitely present! Also, the way that the words framed the main part of the photo made me choose this photo.
e. Yes there is a barcode and it's appropriately placed. The only thing is that I think it should be downsized a little bit.
f. Yes, I would pick up this magazine in a store because I really like the photo and am curious to see what's inside.
g. I can't tell if this is a portrait or self portrait, but due to the other magazine cover being a self portrait, I can tell that this is a portrait.

Magazine Cover Review

a. Iridescence by Emily Merritt.
b. I really like the photo and how the lights that she's holding up are the center of attention (my eyes are drawn to it immediately). I also love the color scheme and simplicity of the cover.
c. I would recommend making the price and date smaller on the magazine cover, and maybe moving the price down to the location of the barcode.
d. I picked this cover because the simplicity and color scheme was really eye-appealing. I love the topics that she chose as headlines.
e. Yes, there is a barcode and it's appropriately sized and placed.
f. Yes, I would read this newspaper because I love simplicity in magazines and this really gave me that. I also love simple, white text, and this magazine has that.
g. I can tell that this is a self-portrait.

Magazine Peer Review

a. Exposed magazine by Claire Meyer
b. I really like the way Claire made part of the picture colored by the paint brush while everything else is black and white, and I also like how the color scheme flowed throughout the entire cover.
c. There's hardly anything to change about this cover, so the only thing I'd suggest is to size down the barcode.
d. I picked this cover because the editing effects really stood out from the other magazine covers. Just the way the stripe of color was 'painted on' by the paint brush that the subject held up is really eye-appealing. Also, I have heard good things about Claire's work so I wanted to check it out.
e. Yes, there is a bar code, and it might be a little bit big, but it's in the appropriate place.
f. If I saw this magazine, I would definitely want to read it, mainly because the topic really interests me (the art environment and everything relating to art in general).
g. I can automatically tell that it was a portrait.

Newspaper 1

Friday, March 4, 2016

Other High School Newspapers

1. My favorite newspaper front page is The Tiger Print because the large image really caught my attention. Something about a large, dominant picture on the front page of a newspaper really interests me. I also love the color choices of this front page, with the white text, teal background, and in the picture it's black and white with a splash of pink.
2. Just like my favorite newspaper front page, the cover that actually caught my attention was the same newspaper, the Tiger Print. It's something to do with the color choices and the topic of the leading story. Again, the dominant photo really caught my eye.
3. My favorite headline, the only headline, was "Tipping the Scale: Female students discuss participation in male-dominated classes" because of how relevant the story is to me. I can relate to the story without even reading it. I'm a girl and have experiences of my own that relate to this story topic.
4. There's one story, but it's just the headline.
5. I noticed that in these high school newspaper front covers, most of them have a larger photo that takes up most to all of the page, larger than newspapers around the world. The text is larger, words are minimal, and in my opinion, they are all more unique and diverse from each other.
6. Things that are different about these newspapers is definitely the amount of creativity or diversity of these papers. Some have stuck to the generic page with stories and lots of words with minimal pictures, and others have done the opposite. Another difference is the size of the titles/name of newspaper. Some are just larger than the headlines, while others (especially "Craze" take up nearly the entire front page.
7. These newspapers are definitely different than those around the world. The school newspapers, like explained before, have varying title sizes and larger pictures, while newspapers around the world have more words and stories, along with minimal pictures.


Broadsheet: "The Lonestar Dispatch", "highlights", and "The View".
Tabloid: "Washingtonian", "tj Today", and "The Review".
NewsMagazine: "Beak N' Eye", "Odyssey", and "The Tiger Print".


Headlines - The words/heading at the top of a newspaper.
Subheadlines - The words/heading given to a subsection of a newspaper.
Lines - A printed line of text accompanying a news story, article, or something like an author's name.
Boxes - A small part of the page shaded in a different color.
Photos - The images on a newspaper.
Teaser - A "sneak peek" of what the newspaper is going to provide [of a story].
Flag - The name of a newspaper as it's displayed on the first page (also called nameplate)
Folios - The text at the top of the inside page that gives the newspaper's name, date and page number.
Captions - The text next to/below a picture that describes what is happening in the photo.
Stories - The bodies of text in a newspaper that supply most of the information (the body of the paper).
Bylines - The reporter's name that's usually at the beginning of the story.
Jumps - When a story is too large to fit on one page, so it's directed to continue on another page. The text that's continued on another page is the jump.
Story dividers - The lines that break up stories, images, etc.
Screens - A pattern of tiny dots used to create gray areas (when you screen a photo, you turn it into a halftone).
Infographics - The extra information on a page that contains graphs, polls, etc.
Masthead/staff box - A block of information often printed on the editorial page that contains staff names and publication data.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper would have to be the Enterprise Ledger from Alaska because the paper isn't cramped with lots of words and although it talks about politics, which I'm overwhelmed with, the simplicity of the paper is very eye-appealing. I also like the coloring of the paper, which includes blue lines with orange headlines.
2. My favorite headline that interests me from the newspaper would have to be "EHS Cheerleader Hired by UCA" because I think stories about students just like me who excel in what they are good at are very touching and inspirational. This girl was really good at cheerleading, and it shows after she is hired by UCA. I love it.
3. There are a total of 5 front page stories on the Enterprise Ledger.
4. After looking at lots of newspapers, I notice that most to all of the stories contain a large title on the top and a large or powerful picture on the page, typically in the center. The headline associated with that photo is larger than all the other headlines and the colors fit nicely with the coloring of the photo.
5. Things that I've noticed to vary on the front pages of newspapers is the size of the picture, how many pictures are on the front, how big the headlines are, and how many words are on the front page (the amount of stories).

Magazine Covers

High School; Twisted Fairytales and Other Terrors of Growing Up

Please do submit.

CE 5.1

1. The top 2 candidates in the Texas Primaries for the Republicans are Cruz with 41% and Trump with 28%. For the Democrats, the top 2 candidates are Clinton with 68% and Sanders with 31%.
2. 1,090 students will benefit from the one million dollar donation from the couple.
3. The $20 million raised will go towards supporting the "AeroVanc Phase 3 trial and expand the pipeline with other new drugs for serious and life-shortening rare respiratory diseases".
4. I think that out of the four streaming titles, I'd prefer to watch "Before We Go" because it sounds really cute and heartfelt.
5. For the girls UT basketball game, the Baylor Bears beat the UT girls 74-48. The UT boys lost against Kansas Jayhawks 67-37.

Short Answer:
Despite losing some privacy, I do believe that Apple should create a backdoor to information stored on iPhones because if them accessing certain information will keep my country safe, I think that it is the right decision. In a way, I'm kind of split between whether or not I personally like this idea of a backdoor however. Just the idea that someone can access all my information stored on my phone easily, that in a way terrifies me. In the more broad view regarding terrorist attacks, etc., I think that I will be able to bypass the unusual feeling. Of course I wouldn't want anyone to access all of my information if they were to take my phone. If they did do that, what kind of privacy do I really have? I suppose my perspective regarding the backdoor to all my information has left me torn between whether or not I support it.. I do think that national security is a good enough reason to access that kind of information because I believe in protecting our country and keeping as many people safe as we can. If that means losing part of my privacy, I suppose I can get past that for the safety of my country. My parents do check my social media accounts, etc., but it's not a huge deal in my family. My mom isn't constantly checking to see what I post, but she is following me on a few of my accounts, so she can see if she were to open the app (Instagram for example). She has checked my phone's text messages a few times -- which annoyed me as I was having a conversation with my friends and felt it was unnecessary. I do believe that parents should check some social media for their kids every once and a while, just to make sure the kid isn't being disrespectful or inappropriate online. This doesn't mean that the parent should be strict about it, however. I feel that some parents restrict so much of what the kids do, that when they go online, they don't have much to show of their personality, etc. In general, I believe that an exposure to technology comes at different ages. Watching movies or playing a few apps for a short period of time can start at age 6 or so, but the time spent online would be restricted to only certain occasions. I think that an appropriate age to get a phone is around middle school, so age 12. I mostly think this age just because of safety reasons and the child is growing up and wants to communicate.