Monday, March 21, 2016

My Spring Break

My spring break was absolutely incredible! I think the highlight of my break was definitely going to the Troye Sivan concert! I am in love with his music and so hearing him live in Dallas was loads of fun. Before going to the concert, my friend Emily and I decided to go to the massive mall in Dallas. Unfortunately, the traffic was horrendous, so after a while, we had to go to the bathroom... Luckily, we found an italian restaurant nearby, so we stopped there. But, uh, there was kinda a problem... Emily and I couldn't find the door to get into the restaurant... We walked around the building multiple times as this couple watched us from an outside table. Embarrassing. Finallly, we got inside, only to find that the signs for the bathroom doors were only written in french. We hoped so badly that we walked into the right bathroom (Luckily, we did). Let's just say that was an ... interesting experience...
When we got to the venue, the House of Blues, there was a massive line, so despite getting there really early, we found ourselves stuck at the back of the line. After playing (and finishing) four painfully slow 'alphabet' games, my friend Emily and I made it inside! There were already lots of people on the floor, and by the time we got to it, we couldn't see a thing. Lots of people were in the same boat as us, and we started talking to these guys (I have to admit, they were pretty attractive :) Eventually, we all went to the balcony, which was almost empty, so we had really good seats! As soon as the show started, everyone was screaming so loud, including myself, that I doubt anyone could actually hear Troye sing... I got really cool videos (sadly, I imported them to my laptop so I don't have them on my phone anymore) and a few cool pictures. By the time the concert ended, I had lost my voice completely... it was so worth it though.

Skipping to the beginning of my break, before the concert, I had gotten a text from my oldest sister (she's in her third year of college) that she was coming home, and stupidly, I told her that I made cookies, which she was 'really excited to eat'. Whoops. In the short time before she got to Austin, I hurried to make these amazing snicker doodle cookies, and while they were cooking, the light came through the blinds and landed on a single cookie, so naturally, I took a picture of it (It was delicious as well).

In conclusion, my spring break was amazing, and although I did more things and hung out with more people, that would be painfully long to read (and write), so those were some of the things I remembered off the top of my head.

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